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Inner and outer horizons characterize our thoughts and actions. As a tool for image making the “horizon line” has been invaluable since its introduction together with the central perspective. The image was by geometrical systems placed within transparent realm of rationality. Describing our surroundings, the “horizon” denotes the meeting between sky and sea. But we also realize that this is only reality from our own point of view, an illusion from a distance. The horizon is not an actual place.

Random Reason is the title of an exhibition displaying Horizon series. This series includes images, mounted individually or linked together in groups (in three different formats some of which are connected together in pairs or slightly larger groups). The exhibition concept was first presented at Galleri Allmenningen, Bergen Norway May-12 as a solo show. Several prints have a contrast between mat ink and glossy lacquer. Technically the prints are executed as photo gravure, 3 color separation.

The lacquer topping in bright shiny colors have come as a result of the desire to join very slow processes with spontaneous, fast ones, but also two bring closer different practices in Marhaug’s oeuvre: image and performance. For sure the knowledge of materials, such as colors and inks for printing and painting on paper, has a part in her solutions and esthetics. The process behind each panel or image group is both tedious and slow. Own photos are basis for the production of color separated printing plates. These concrete motives are used together with abstract elements in the manor of mono print technique.
Random horizon lines and random obstacles in the horizon line are basic structures in the pictures, both formally and content wise.

The series of Horizon and the exhibition Random Reason has been produced during the last three year at Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHIB).

